
Advertising Agencies

Ageism: A Missed Opportunity for the Ad Industry

By Advertising Agencies No Comments

ageismWould you be surprised to learn that only 6 of every 100 employees in the ad industry are over 50 years old? When compared to the percentage of the population adults 50+ make up and the percentage of household expenditures represented by this group, this is anemic to say the least.

The fact that such a small percentage of A50+ comprise the ad industry’s labor force is concerning on multiple levels. Ageism aside, given the current talent crisis and the evolving structural changes being considered by the agency sector, it seems as though organizations would benefit by engaging and retaining a greater number of mature, experienced professionals. So why is this group underrepresented within the ad industry workforce? Hopefully, the agency sector’s diversity initiatives will find a way to remedy this imbalance … Read More